Monday, January 31, 2011

What I Wore + ATty intro!

ATty, EJ and I all enjoyed the snow today! Isn't she the sweetest thing? lol I probably seem like a total nutjob, but really, this is quite fun. Maybe I'm just a complete, irreversible nerd. Anyways, how ATty came to be: At Goodwill, EJ and I found her for 2 bucks (we've found out she's worth around sixty on ebay but we'd never ever sell her). The obsession grew from there, and after falling in love with Nick Drummond's ATtilla, I felt the need to include her in all my outfit posts, so you guys can really get to know her!

striped dress: old navy $3
leather jacket: thrifted $5
tights: WalMart $6
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell regularly $180, ebay'd for $110
white feather ear cuff: diy about $7 total for supplies

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